Friday, August 1, 2008

@@ libyans blogs ... my story @@

many post in my mind ths week bt i tried 2 collect them in one post as headlines ...

1stly ... now i am bloggerator officialy sience 7 months even i follow other bloggerator before ths period & in ths time i would say thanx 2 somebody who guide me 2 blogger world "lovely" "hibo" even i think she dnt know tht bt her group "lovelytripoli" guide me 2 ths website ...

through ths period i learn ch things & my idea about many subjects also changed cuz i saw many wonderful ppl able 2 make u looking 2 d life from different angles ...

some of them libyan inside libya some outside & some nt libyan bt live in libya ... all of ths hve somthing 2 spend it in d world blogger ...

also iam witness to some of births , birthdays , farewell ...

from my side ...

i divide blogs to 3 types :

1- blogs ( from daily activities) .

2- blogs ( discus some issues ) .

3- blogs ( Thoughts & Notice ) .

& some of them mix from all ...

even those just copy & paste in our blogs i think those try 2 send some meesages through these posts .... so always thrs some benefits in blogger world just keep reading ...

realy iam surprised from "libyanwomen" here !!!

realy most of them do wll in ths space & make good idea about libyan women bt d prob in our community whch always put women in closed circle & nt give her enough space 2 creation & do d best ...

cuz iam big "قصقاص" ....

iam searching nearly on all libyan blogs & find 823 member ...

nearly just 100 daily active !!!

also i find Union 2 libyan bloggers `e presedent & Vice-President !!!

r u intersted 2 b member in ths Union !!!

me absolutely no ... cuz my blog 4 me simple & Spontaneous nt under any union ...

iam also search on some egyptian blogs " imazing" realy i shocked there ... how those ppl had experience in there blogs ( interviews ,votes , discusion boards , etc ) ...

some egyptin Newspapers Specialize some Pages 2 best subjects in egyptian blogs ...

wish we do space 2 make interviews `e some libyan blogger espechialy those here sience long period cuz iam sure we wll learn something from those ppl ..

try 2 be opened on many blogs as mch as u can cuz evry post wll learn u something new ...

finaly iam happy from previous period in d blogger world i had visitor from many countries ...

north america , europe , arabic world . india & mauritius " who live there" !!!

wish next 5 mnths more better than ths & sure `e ur presence in my blog ...

salam ....


  1. التدوين يعطي مساحة اكبر للتعبير ويفتحلك المجال للنقاش في اشياء تخص بلدك ومشاكلك وحتى نقاشات في تجارب قد خاض فيها غيرك واعطى لك خلاصة المحصلة من تجاربه .. كل هذه اشياء التدوين جعلها تبدو اسهل ..التدوين ليه فوائد عدة وبصراحة شيء احسه رائع بكل معنى الكلمة

    كفاية انه يربطك بالناس وبأحاسيسهم وحياتهم وكل تفاصيلهم

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. اممممممممممممممم

    ما كنت حعلق عالموضوع اليوم لانو انا مو ليبية ولا ليبية عايشة برة ليبيا ولا جنسية تانية بس عايشه بليبيا

    فبتهيالي انك ما زرت مدونتي قبل هيك ؟؟؟ ولا دخلني بكل هالحكي الي انت كتبتو هون

    بس بما انك بعتلي لينك للموضوع عالمسنجر فقلت عيب ادخلي واحكيلو لعبدالله انك دخلتي وقراتي الموضوع وما طنشتيه

    المهم معك حق المدونة عالم كبير كتير وكل مبدك تدخل لعند حد سواء بنفس مجتمعك او من مجتمع تاني رح تشوف كتير اشياء منها الحلو ومنها الغريب والسيء

    تحياتي الك

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. م
    مساحة كبيرة ليها رونق خاص كل مدونة تعتبر اكتشاف بالنسبة ليا وكل مدون شخصية مختلفة اسلوب مختلف عن الاخر
    باختلاف طرقهم واساليبهم وافكارهم

    وبمناسبة البوست الجديد نحب نقول ان مروري للمدونات اصبح كعادة شرب قهوة الصباح لا مناص ولا هروب منها
    ونشكر الناس المميزة في عالم التدوين واولهم
    والاستاذ غازي كان ليهم اثر كبير وبصمة قوية
    هذا بالنسبة لليبين
    اما المدونين المصرين فخليهم كلهم ماشاء الله كتابات مميزة مفيش مجال لذكرهم بالاسم لكثرتهم اشكرهم
    وفقكم ال

  6. you are right, once u enter this world u became addicted to it.
    and it open a lot of spaces and add more to your knowldege and that will lead to some change in ur way of thinking in some how.
    I hope you will contiue to enjoy it.
    and thank for being here as a Libyan blogger.

    best wishes

  7. yes i became addicted ...i feel every on in this group as apart of my family and i need to see him by watching his or her blog ...
    and about libyan wamen they r really creators even befor start bloging not cuze im agirl... but those who nourish u ,akak ,anglo ,jorni ,nasim and enlightened spiritand, CM ,dtd, BC and all the others must be creator wamen ...
    thank u for this post ..

  8. hi abdullah really the blogging world is so opened really me 2 enjoying these blogs & find every thing new really we should try as much as we can t o rase our home LIBYA as much as we can so we can do the best for us & for her...mabrook for the 7 moths blogging

  9. I enjoyed this post by you . You are correct , you learn a lot about people from their blogs , especially the Libyan ones . Keep up the good work !

  10. salamo3licom
    i like your post and i completely agree with you it's very educating world lots of experiences and stories u can learn from everyday..
    my story with the blogger community has started with Libyano year ago..i found his blog accidentally when i was searching for something related to my medical career and without his knowledge he introduced me to the Libyan bloggers ..i got attached to every single one there...and i liked how they treat each other like a family....

    keep posting abdullah and thanks for leaving your precious comments on my blog once in while.

  11. thank you foryour feeling
    and your kind soul

  12. Hello Doctoor
    yeah Its nice world
    for me I like to write
    I used to write about my life since I am 10 years old
    untill now I have many of them in my room

    great post
    fe aman Allah

  13. You are a delightful addition to the blog FAMILY and addiction is a part of it

    Keep blogging

    Fe Aman Allah

  14. salam bro
    its nice post to put down ur thoughts , we all learn some thing new every day, we may be differnt in the way we post thats why i love reading all what i can of our blogers ,we do share our comments wt respect even we do have a lough, and teasing to, no harm on that, regarding the libyan womens blogers ,they are great and got a lot of confidenet ,iam proud of them ,in the same all blogs are extra education to all. keep going

  15. hi dr. this is my 1st time i'm writing 2 u although i've visited it b4
    i found out that u r really active man i saw ur comments in many blogs
    i wasn't hv blog i was just see wt others do now i have 1 it still so simple i hope 2 make it more better.
    i just wanna say 1 thing 2 u "Libya needs men just like you 2 love it honesty and then it'll be the best in the world"
    keep on dr. and good luck

  16. هييييييه عبد الله
    اولا شكرا لتفقدك احوالي انقطاعي الفترة الماضية كان لوعكة صحية أثرت على قدراتي العقلية والنفسية والروحية وما زاد الامر سوءا النظام الصحي الانجليزي في نيوكاسل تحت عنوان(موووت يا حمار وما يجيكش الدواء
    وفي غير ذلك جميلة مدونتك(تعرف رأيي بدون مجاملة) وجميل هذا الادراج انا دخلت عالم المدونات نتيجة تواطء زوجي مع الـد.غازي القبلاوي عند وصولي بريطانيا بدأت في كتابة يومياتي وغالبا ما أكتبها(احتفظ بغالب ما يحدث لي ومعي مكتوبا في مذكرات منذ فترة طويلة)
    جهز زوجي المدونة واصر ان انشر تلك اليوميات وفي البداية كان هو القارئ الوحيد مع الـد. غازي واستمرت الحكاية ...عن نفسي أحيي كل المدونين الليبين والعرب وخاصة المصريين(ربي يهدي بعضهم من النزعة العنصرية المقيتة).
    والادراج السابق صور كتب الطب (نوضت عليا مواجعي ياريت لو فيها كيف تنزلنا شوية صور لكلية الطب والطبي نشموا عليها الصنة في هذا البعد)

  17. What a nice post!

    I'm still relatively new to the blogosphere, and especially to the world of Libyan bloggers. But as you said, blogs have had a great role in broadening our horizons. Through them I have been able to meet many nice people, learn new things, share my thoughts and so on, and I'm happy to have made this great discovery.

    Congrats on the anniversary and hope you'll keep on blogging for many months to come insha Allah! (:

  18. معادش في اي زيادة من جهتي

    الي قالوه يكفي ويعبر على اي فكرة او جملة يمكن نكتبها


  19. youma
    وهذا رأى كمان يا يوما يلا كل يوم ادينا بنزيد انتفاع واستفاده .. شاكر لك مرورك

    حنان شلبى
    اكيد الفكره وصلتلك غلطط لانو مو ضرورى تكونى ليبيه عشان تعلقى ع الموضوع انا كان رأى فى نقطه معينه مو كل الموضوع ويحقلك تعلقى على باقى النقاط ... وليش تاعبه حالك ومغلبه روحك ... هو كلو على بعضو رد نتشرف بوجوده على مدونتنا

    حلو اقتباسك نسيم كشرب فنجان قهوة الصبح ههههه عن نفسى كشرب فنجان قهوة الليل قبل النوم نشيك ع كل المدونين

    enlightened spirit
    thanx sis 4 ur comment ...yp tht`s some type of addiction ...

  20. asma
    u say most imp word in ths subject " u feel toward those ppl as ur family " ....salam

    thanx 4 ur visit me 2 wish do somthin 2 chamge somthin in somthin ...salm

    on the edge
    thanxxxx tajouria .. u part from my new adventure ....salam

    thanx 4 ur comment wish all other blogger do as u do write how enter blogger world bt no prob u " kafeti Oo wafeti "

  21. كلام على بلاطة
    thanx 4 visit my page ...

    oh dr its so nice u hve alot of memories on ur papers ...
    keep written ...salam ...

    forza addiction bro ...

    dusk till dawn
    ya salam ya 3ares .... we learn from u ya man ... keep updating

  22. Sarora_S.K
    oh tht`s so sweet from u dr , welcome 2 my blog wish u always here ....salam

    كريمة الفاسي
    اهلا بيك وحمد الله ع سلامتك ... احسن شىء سواه زوجك انو اقنعك بالفكره .. لانو بالخر نحن المستفيدين ... سعدت بمرورك ابله كريمه ... سلام

    oh u here again th`s so imazing i appreciate ur visit ... wish u enjoy `e libyan blogsphere

    يكفى حضورك خيتو ... دمتى بود
