Saturday, December 10, 2011

@ Al khums City Libya @

here is some photos explaining parts of daily life of Al khums city after liberated at 20-8-2011 after long revolution period which as we know every city have their story about what happend exactly during Gaddafi bridages days ...

i'll start this post by two somgs about Al khums released lately and i'm sure here first place which maybe you will listen to these songs :)

         first song

                  second song

some of photos about Alkhums - Libya

Wall graffiti

people starts to paint their shops with new flag

Aid Prayer in freedom square

another magazine released lately
there is a new magazines starts to release intiated by activitist

one of youths who starts cleaning their city after liberation

this photo realy epic libyan and you can see big " BA5ARA " in the middle of street !!

one of aids which organised by Al khums people to the other libyan cities 

even Septimus severus joined Feb 17 revolution :)

new Radio station start broadcasting after liberation ...

Military council organise a day to thank all rebels inside the city in celebrating special day

this man named '' Alboshti " from Zwara and he is leader of Gaddafi bridage inside Alkhums and responsile for many crimes inside the city and finally he is now under Al khums military council hands

students demonstrate in their college against some Doctors who 's strongly loyalist to Gaddafi !!

 buried prayer for Alhawiya martyers who died about 20 martyrs during only two hours ...

Al khums women forum " opening day " and they are realy doing great work in many activities.

Alkhums civilian council during one of their meetings.

 Lebda freedom festival which took place at 3 Desember

one of Al khums sons Mr. Ali Ehmeda Ashor " justice minster " in transitional govt.

sample from Alkhums martyers during Feb17 revolution " Allahu Akbar "

now at least you know something about Al khums :)

Salam ....


  1. السلام عليكم

    شكراً لعرض هذه الصور هنا ، رحم الله كل من دافع عن أرضه وعرضه
