The first crazy nights when my friend suggested that we take a little bit of funny It was a view to Seaside at " tajoura" nearly 23km focus here a little word "23" & then take our dinner and sat with us and we discussed several topics and the place was crowded and sounds of music and knowing that people swim at the 12 after midnight, after a period of time, about 2am to ended have decided to return to the apartment and another 23km and after we entered the apartment ((surprise here)) I can not find my mobile phone did not surprise unthinkable then decided to return to the same place may have to find the mobile It has been suggested The friend to contact the digital But I told him not because if the phone ringing everyone wll heard it then we go back 23 km further on the way I maintained a problem and keeping in the forefront Ptall where he spent two lights one 4 bluetooth & other 4 battery light & becuz i never before off bluetooth 4 ths reason That is the biggest of my worries this point and I told my friend if the device on his free throwing, iam sure wll find it bt he said
" say godbye ya baba " we got to the same place we contacted our role here and not the same thing here Need and then bent and I was lamps were open car noticed something in the ground here and "happy surprise" my beautiful mobile God wills it caught up in the soil Sea and was on his face does not mean twinkle none Hahaha at ths moment some of guys there says " رزق الحلال ما يضيعش " then another 23 km In other remedies were about 2:30am then on my way we calculate our distance And was nearly 96 km mean "nearly same distance 2 my hometown "elkhums" hhhhh ...
The other night when i wake on my friend khaled screaming complaining shap pain and that I had been advised by that neglected my advice "surgery" , known as the same problem the previous what he called medically Hernia فتق in the inguinal region "inguinal hernia" "indirect type" & cuz i know wht wll happend there no " surgery" cuz requires to be patient while he was fasting for at least 6 hours & probarly will give him some painkillers or intravenous canula to compensate wht he loss of fluids when he vomit, but his insistence deep thigh decided to TMC at the following night and that he had good background on his condition because I have already explained to him Hahaha learn ON HIM where the doctor was surprised there was the alternate for the quantity of information on the situation, and asked: Are you a doctor or medical student !!! MY friend and with evil a smile answer him Yes !!! Hahaha ( big liar ) d Dr.advice him to remain in The hospital until the morning because it can not be a process now known that must be patient did not eat anything for reasons of anesthesia was rejected by my friend and asked a temporary solution suggested by some analgesics and fluids to compensate for the lost quantity of vomit when a question was rejected again and decided to refer to the House echoing Throughout the way back tomorrow, I'll go to Tunisia to conduct the operation oh plz god help me 3am wht d crazy friend In the end he returned grown cell in colouring butterfly In the morning I told him, mocking us letَs go to Tunisia .... said to me, no, no i fell ok tody no neccessary 2 surgery !!!! ....then i say " عادت حليمه الى عادتها القديمه ".....
