Tuesday, June 10, 2008

@@ A moment of farewell @@

Last week was my friend, Abdul Rahman date back to Canada for that since graduating from high school went there to study .this moment, which brought the ball is always a moment of farewell, since I first trip him since about six or seven years did not go with them to the airport because I hate these moments, but the thing Different this time, I committed a mistake which I decided to go to bid him last night and as usual, when I would be busy with my school was closed my phone and go to my apartment and falling in love with my books, but last night I woke up at dawn, five o'clock and then I said Oh God, I forgot dates Then opened the phone conversation and a letter from my friend emad Where are you, man, Abdul Rahman friend, will travel tomorrow and we are now at home to bid him farewell then I felt guilty then i do desperate attempt which I sold a message to my friend, Abdul Rahman to wish him a safe and successful trip when he received the call immediately and it seems that Still awake told me that on his way to the airport and that his trip at the seventh then he asked me if i come .... i told him I could try back then I felt him heartache .... closed telephone and decided that I will go to the airport may God to give us the force in the possession of these attitudes is not because I say goodbye to my friend but because I know that i wll see many of similar positions there after it was important that we arrived he told me that my flight schedule manage two hours late and then I told him what we all know that the new is always challenged him in Libya, then while we speak something tell me concentrating there ...woman came with her daughter ... another woman & man came with her according to an analytical attitude to her sister and her sister's husband and a few minutes and started their ordeal began when Sister in the lap of her sister and crying and crying, small girl scream at her aunt will miss you, aunt's position explicitly affect any human being has the feelings and moments... another view girl appeared in his thirties & coming with her 2 girls & one boys seems her family ...also emotions,tears,sadness evry where .
again i see father is deposited his daughter, which appeared in his twenties then i say she must strong girl cuz she in Twenties age and travelling alone ... God knows what reason !!!, but it seems they have completed a strong girl, then she begun in the Wailing on the chest of her mother and many of the positions on these lines then I told myself, in its resolution explicitly seeing these people have the strength and determination to live outside their country for various reasons, the fact that we respect and I appreciate their sacrifices Whatever the reason to stay away from home ... I know that my Libya is not good in most cases, live there has become a difficult but ultimately is our country and the lives of our people and their relatives and to say this because we already tried the bitterness of living outside libya for a period of fifteen years do not expect this because I was the same experience and I will find, including here in Libya Even if it many of bitter, but I will not be owning a sense of strangeness and bitterness which a man kills a neighborhood alive ...

In the end I will here link to a song a gift to all expatriates from their home with wishes for them to return one day ...

لــحــظـــة وداعـــكـــ ....للـفـنـــان ابــراهـــيــم الـحــكـمــى


salam & as usual evry comment wll makes me flaying ...


  1. ok that is the last thing I need to read during these days....sigh.
    but anyway Abdu u have to be happy, it is vrey nice that ur friendship didn't wear offf inspite of all the long distances which separate between u both, that is a big gift.
    take this friendship as a motivation to move u on, and left ur spirit up.
    let's say for examble: "I will study hard and graduate quickly to join Abdurahman in Canada for my postgraduate study" or any other idea parallel to this one, try always to make ur weakness a source of motivation to ur strenght.

  2. غادرك صديق...؟ حقا إنها لحظات حزينة.. ولكن الشعور بالغربه لدى صديقك الان ربما أقوى من شعورك بالحزن عليه.. فالغربه ياشريف تحطم كل المقاييس المتعارف عليها .. فهل أحسست يوما بقسوة الغربه؟ خصوصا لو كانت الغربة بداخلك.. فهى أصعب أنواع الأغتراب.. هو الان هناك ينشد أمل وطموح بأن يحقق مايتمنى .. فلندعو الله ان بساعده ,,,وطنى عنك ماستطعت اغترابا,,,وعلى البعد زدت منك اقترابا, أكره الفراق بأنواعه.. يتعبنى ويرهقنى ويؤلمنى جدا..حقا ماأ‘ذب أن نلتقى وماأقسى أن نفترق يغادرنا من نحب ولا يترك لنا سوى الذكرى.. ياإلهى ..مالى انا والذكرى فالذكرى ماهى إلا عهود ووعود وأيام لاتعود.. جمعك الله بمن تحب دوما ياشريف وبأصدقائك الذين تحب فالصداقه كثلة عظيمة المشاعر وأزاهير طاهرة متناثرة على نوافد الحياة إنها الحنين والمحبة وينبوع من حنان سريع الجريان ..إنها الوجدان فى أرقى صوره.. إنها المشاعر الحانية تنساب بتحايا صادقة وبمزيج من الحب والإخلاص .. نعم انها الصداقة.. لذلك نتألم عندما يفارقنا صديق لاننا نحس بفراق هذه الاشياء معه .. وفق الله صديقك وأناله وأياك أعظم وأرقى درجات النجاح وحفر إسميكما على جدران التفوق فى وخارج بلدكما.. ,لايمتطى المجد من لايركب الخطر..ولاينال العلا من قدم الحذرا ومن أراد العلا عفوا بلا تعب...قضى ولم يقض من إدراكها وطرا. بارك الله ايامك ياشريف.

  3. عفوا امنحني العذر
    منذ غادرت ليبيا وانا فلبي يتقطع كلما سمعت بأحدهم يغادر، من أو إلى غير مهم، كله موجع، الليبيون القادمون من ليبيا يوجعني مغادرتهم الوطن، الليبيون جيراني العائدون لليبيا يوجعني فراقهم وأغبطهم
    الحياة تحمل معنى للقسوة يصعب وصفه ونظلمه إذ نحشره في أربعة حروف ونقول:
    أدراجك يحتاج مني لقراءة ثانية عادلة ومحايدة دون مواجع أعدك بها

  4. enlightened spirit
    I know that this will be the subject of harassing you because it is my will try this kind of understand your feelings now between two fires ,fire strangeness difficult and the fire of scientific progress in your life it really difficult equation .

  5. rozaka
    كتبتى فابدعت ولن أجد اصدق من هذه السطور التى كتبتها
    وطنى عنك ماستطعت اغترابا,,,وعلى البعد زدت منك اقترابا
    الفكره من كتابتى للموضوع ليس حزنا على فراق صديق ولكن تذكرت كل الذين يعشون خارج اوطانهم كيف شعورهم وهم خارج ديارهم وكيف استطاعو ان يقاومو احساس الغربه حقا انهم اناس أقواياء وصبورين اعطاهم الله نعمة الجلد والصبر ومقاومة الغربه

  6. الرائعه كريمة الفاسي
    لم نختزل فى اربعة حروف ولكن حاولت ان اوصل رساله ولو بسيطه وهى عباره عن لحظات ترجمة فى سطور قليله واذا كنا سنعبر عما داخلنا لاحتجنا صفحات وصفحات اسعدتنى زيارتكـ

  7. Salam Dr
    Its always hard to say goodbye and I know how you feel,I've been many times in your situation so brother as Dr.enlightened spirit said
    study hard to be with him after your graduate (by the way did you graduate)
    Canada is a nice place I've been there once but the problem is the distance
    so be strong to be with him some day who knows maybe soon

    good luck if your exams is soon here in Bengo the 5th year will have their exams this month enshaAllah
    so good luck if you are in the 5th year
    I hope our comments will make you fly to pass the exam and then to be with your friend

    fe aman Allah

  8. well i felt it once and if it's in my hand i'll ignore it for internity
    but this life and we have to take it !...even if we don't like it in some ways.

    ربي يعاونك

    ويعاون كل شخص بهالموقف

  9. Really don't think of it as good bye , but as "until we see each other again ". Time has wings to fly fast . Good luck with your exams !Loved the song .

  10. good luck to you and your friends.

    I will take the song as a special gift for me too :o)
    shame the link didnt work with me, I will keep trying.
    have a nice day


  11. Crowded Mind
    oh dr welcome iam happy 2 see u here .... 5th yr in bengo now ..exams !!!
    we diff ... in d end of yr as evry yr .... iam tryin sis ...
    u 2 keep stdy harding ..

  12. linda
    thanx alot lino 4 ur comment b here always ...

  13. on the edge
    iam happy cuz u lve d song ....
    thanx 4 ur comment ..

  14. Anglo-Libyan
    oh bro why ????
    ill try 2 check it again ...
    thanx nasser ...

  15. يبدو اني تاخرت كثيرا في الرد فقد سبقني الاعزاء في ذلك
    حسنا لا احسدك علي تلك اللحظات المؤلمة اتمني ان يرجع صديقك بسلامة الله للوطن ولعل التقنية هذه الايام رحمتنا قليلا فكل ماحملك شوقك ترسل له رسالة او مكالمة علي الاقل افضل من لا شئ
    واحب ان نوه باحساسك العالي فهذا ان عبر عن شئ فهو عن صميم شخصك الطيب
    وفقك الله وصديقك في الخير والصلاح دوما دائما باذن الله


  17. rabi ywafka ...and even u ...be a patient thats what medicin learn us ..i wish 2 all emigrant 2b back soon ..cuze all of us miss them

  18. nasimlibya
    شكرا على كلماتكـ وخليك دائما منوره على صفحات المدونه

  19. WEDA
    u right evn those away from us bt always close from us ...

  20. ASMA
    thanx ya soma 3la comment always u make me happy whn comment on my blog ...

  21. hello Abdullah..

    first of all nice to see ur blog ..

    about ur post..
    farewell its so hard moment .. especially if he's close friend .. about me I got that usually ..

    coz all my cousins and most my close friends r away .. before years ago that was so so hard coz communications was difficult .. but now it isn't like before .. by technology every thing is easy and world became a small country .. I know all of that not like facing ..

    but really thankx god for that ..

    hope god gathering u again 3ALA 5EAR..

    Best wishes ..

  22. loza
    iam sorry 4 ur cousins & friends i understand ur situation bt happy thing her as u say nt as before `e technology d wrld became small town wish all friends coming soon ,, thanx alot 4 ur comment ...

  23. Goodbyes are always difficult, especially when you are parting from dear people. I've been living in ghorba for the past 17 years, and during that time I've seen only a handful of my relatives and even them very very rarely (like 5-10 times or something). When it came time to say goodbye and go each back to our lives... it's really difficult.

    So yea.
    Like many others, I strongly dislike goodbyes, bas Allah ghaleb. One has to have strong faith in Allah, patience and the will to work hard so that when meeting with the loved ones again, you'll have something to show them to let them know that the time you spent apart has not been wasted and to make them proud of you (:

  24. MushuThaLohari
    oh thanx sis 4 ur comment ...17th yr !!! oh god long time ... u seems strong girl cuz u life all these period away from libya ....
    tc mushu

  25. يااااااااه كم هي مؤلمة يلك اللحظات وكم هي قاسية علينا لا اطيقها بكل ما فيها من معان لااطيقها فهي تؤرقني حتي النخاع لا اجيد النعامل معها علي الاطلاق لا استسيغ مرورها البطئ

  26. اصدقائى الأعزاء المدونين والمدونات
    تمت اليوم إذاعة الحلقة الثانية الخاصة بالربوت فى برنامجنا الإذاعى
    أنت تسأل والكمبيوتر يجيب
    والذى يذاع يومياً الساعه 9.10 صباحاً ما عدا يوم الجمعه
    وتضمنت الحلقة الثانية اليوم إذاعة كومنتات
    سلوى ( رئيسة حزب الاحلام )
    عبده الرايق
    تامر نبيل
    هانى ميشيل
    مدحت محمد
    يمكنكم الآن سماع الحلقة من الـ box
    على يمين المدونة
    او من خلال الموقع

    تمنياتنا بدوام التواصل

  27. ward
    سعدت بمروركـ وكما قلتى ما اصعبها من لحظات ... ومن منا يطيقها او يستسيغها ... ولكن فى بعض الاوقات تكون شرا لا بد منه

  28. hope that ur friend will come soon in safe and in good health and as we libyan siad
    ان شاء الله يروحلكم سالم وغانم

    وعبدو شكرا علي كل كلماتك ليا في كل موقع وفي كل زاوية
    سلم وخي ياربي

  29. LoveLyH
    وينك يا ابلتنا من زمان ما شفناكش ان شاء الله خير بس ... لا شكر على واجب هيبو

  30. قاسية هي المفارقة

    ودائماً ما كانت هي اقسى الحظات استيعاباً منا

    يؤلمنا ابتعاد احدهم
    ويؤلمنا فقدان احدهم
    تؤلمنا فكرة انه ليس
    معنا ولم يعد يجلس بالقرب منا
    ولسنا قادرين على ايجاده عندما نحتاج لأن نراه ..فقط نراه

    ولكننا نستوعب احياناً
    فقط ادعو له بتحقيق احلامه
    وسانده كما وانك تراه في كل لحظة معك
    وكأنك لم تفارقه ابداً

  31. youma
    اوه يوما هنا عندنا يا اهلا وسهلا
    اكيد ما لنا الا الدعاء بالتوفيق وانتظار امل العوده
